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Streaming Media

March/April 2025 - Sourcebook
Biographical Information
Anthony Burokas
Principal, IEBA Communications

Anthony Burokas is a 20+ year broadcast TV video producer currently based in Dallas, TX. He has produced an extensive body of event, corporate, special interest, and broadcast TV. His website is His new studio space, Frisco Studios, makes the latest live streaming and VR technologies available to his clients.

Articles By Anthony Burokas

Review: Cerevo LiveWedge FullHD Video Switcher

At the bare-bones, sub-$1000 level, there are very few HD mixers that combine the mixing, recording, and streaming capabilities that the Cerevo LiveWedge offers, although this device does come with a few caveats.
Featured Articles, Posted 27 Jan 2016

Review: JVC GY-LS300, Part 2: Image Quality and Deliverables

In Part 2 of this review we'll focus on image delivery, comparing the JVC LS300's HD and 4K image-making capabilities with the Panasonic DMC-GH4, focusing on its handling of deep shadows, bright backgrounds, variable sensor mapping, depth of field, sharpness, and aliasing.
Featured Articles, Posted 19 Oct 2015

Review: Raw4Pro Backup Champion for Simplified Media Offloading

In my search for an ideal camera media file offloading workflow using a low-cost tablet, the missing piece of the puzzle has been a finger-friendly, Windows-based media-backup application. Raw4Pro Backup Champion may be exactly the solution I was looking for.
Featured Articles, Posted 14 Oct 2015

The Connected Camcorder: Pros and Cons of In-Camera Wireless Capabilities for Live Delivery

As we enter the "Internet of Things" era, when all sorts of "things" are directly reachable over the internet, it should come as no surprise professional camcorders are coming along for the ride. They are actually somewhat late to the game, with smartphones already providing the ability to send a video out over the internet from the same device that captured it for quite some time. But connected professional camcorders have a lot to offer users looking for a streamlined professional streaming solution that video-capable smartphones can't deliver.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Oct 2015

Review: JVC GY-LS300 4KCAM Handheld S35mm Camcorder, Part 1: Lens Support, Functionality, and Usability

JVC is running ahead of the pack again with the GY-LS300, an affordable ($3,995), interchangeable-lens, Super35/variable-sensor area, 4K/HD camcorder that also features internal streaming capability, first model in a new product line.
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Jul 2015

How to Master Audio Mixing for Live Production and Streaming

Live audio is challenging. Unlike many of the issues that arise on the video side of the equation, none of the problems that affect audio quality—RF interference, feedback, ground loop hum, hiss, over-modulation—can be seen. All of these challenges take a knowledge and understanding of the problem to assess and fix them properly. On live productions, more often than not, the time to fix audio issues is as soon as you hear them starting to happen.
Featured Articles, Posted 05 Jun 2015

Using Focus Peaking to Assess Your Camera Noise

This article demonstrates an easy way to use a camera's or external monitor's focus peaking feature to assess your camera's noise profile as I change various camera settings.
Featured Articles, Posted 27 Apr 2015

Streaming Media's Gear of the Year, 2014-15

The 12 products and technologies described in this article reflect what four of our writers found when they unraveled the industry developments of the past 12 months and picked Streaming Media's Gear of the Year.
Featured Articles, Posted 13 Apr 2015

Cost-Effective Media Wrangling Redux

After using my new media wrangling kit in the field a few times, I've augmented it with a few accessories and come to a few realizations that made it worth revisiting this entire premise. As in many cases, smaller is not always better, and when it comes to operating a computer, this is definitely the case.
Featured Articles, Posted 31 Mar 2015

Maximizing Your 4K Editing Efficiency

If you improve your editing efficiencies and leverage the strengths of your existing system, editing 4K camera-original footage on a modestly equipped $1,000 PC should prove more than manageable.
Featured Articles, Posted 03 Mar 2015

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